We, are the KongLongs of CCHY (:
Currently 1 year old :D
we are our coach's 6th batch of VOLLEYBALLERS
we eat, sleep,
pee, poop
and play volleyball.
we bite,
& we roar very well.
Fear us,
coz we rock,
we rule,
we're on the top of our throne

hear us roar,
watch us thunder - Konglongs

play and don't regret - Volleyball

KongLongs [Dinos]
Anna & Pearlyn <3
#1 Ferlyn JunNan - open
Vice Captain
#2 Vivian MeiNv - Setter
#3 Jiamin XiaShou - Librero
#4 MingYuan GuaiTai - Subset/ open
#5 Valerie ShaSha - Center
#6 XinTing MissWorld> - Center
#7 JieYing GuiGui - Open
#8 CynthiaSotong - Open
#9 Corrina ShaJi - Center
#10 Juliana 14 - Center

Loved ones

we like standing alone.
the 12 dino army.


the second hand ticked passed.

The tears and sweat

March 2009
May 2009
October 2009
November 2009
March 2010


Designer: Vivian L.
Base codes: Tammy
Brushes: Echoica Juvenile Casuality Puzzle
Hosting: Photobucket
Images: Deviantart
Others: Photoshop

Friday, October 30, 2009

It's been long ehs?


Can't believe i'm actually posting!

I think i'm losing my sleep tonight. LOL.

So so so.
Here comes the right business.


Hmphs, some people are suggesting to have a teambag.
And i'm just putting it as a suggestion uh.
Cos some people bags are spoilt and stuff.
Yeah, hope you guys can consider.

It's not compulsory though, cos i know some of you might not like to waste money, etc.
Yeah, shall wait for responses and see how it goes.
It's a brand new year ahead, and brand new things brings GOODLUCKS. Just joking ;P

If it's more than 3 or 4 people who wants,
then maybe that 3 or 4 can go get the same bag.
Things like that (:

Another one is about the team outing :]
Maybe we will have two days of outing.
One is to ZOO, which Cynthia has the free ticket.
And another is to have BBQ, which i still have no idea where. LOL.

Hmphs, i was thinking of :

17th December -> ZOO
18th December -> BBQ

Since the 18th's a friday, we could slowly enjoy our food ;)

It's planned at December cause the schedule for November is really tight.
With trainings and oversea trip, etc.
And just nice, there's a break for us during that period in Dec. [RARE]
Yeah, that's why.

LOL. Feel free to give any more suggestions and stuff lurhh.
Cos i don't really want to be the one planning again :x
Since i always failed when doing so .

Well, that's all.

Ohyeah, and CONGRATULATIONS to Juliana for attaining 4th in the level ! ;D

Viviannn ;D
Konglong MeiNv<3>
